Sarah Burford – Senior
Starting my senior year of college has been crazy. It has been busy and there have been many things I have had to get used to. A lot of times it can feel like you are doing it all on your own because no one else is going through exactly what you are going through. But that is one of the great things that God has been showing me lately. No one is going through exactly what you are going through, but everyone is going through something. Everyone has a different story and different experiences.
Impact has given me so many amazing people to go through life with. Every week I get to hang out with my friends and just experience life. I get to hear about my friend’s experiences every week, which is so awesome to me! The more I get to be around these awesome friends of mine, I am learning that these people are my safe space. They are the people I can tell anything to and still be loved and cared for. We get to talk to each other about so many things from life’s ups and downs to where we see God in our lives all the way to the funny videos we saw on the internet. I am so thankful to have such a great, loving community who always points me back to God!
Daniel Farrell – Senior
Over the past few months, God has really been showing and revealing to me how evangelism is
done. I used to be worried and stressed out about making friends then talking to them about Jesus
because I thought they would think I had an agenda or for some reason that relationship wasn’t true.
Since the start of the semester, God has really been showing me that its not my job to bring the
relationship to Christ, but that He is in control and working behind the scenes to create a trusting
relationship that is comfortable to talk about Christ. I have been able to see this through some clubs and
organizations I am a part of outside of Impact, as well as some old relationships I had in previous years.
Impact has been a huge help in this journey of discovery, teaching and equipping me to
comfortably be able to talk about my faith in normal conversation, as well as being comfortable in
creating lasting, deep relationships built on Christ. The villages we have throughout the week are a great
way for me to get spiritually filled and learn more about Christ, while the Gathering on Sundays contain
great teaching and different opportunities to practice and grow in the things God has shown me this
done. I used to be worried and stressed out about making friends then talking to them about Jesus
because I thought they would think I had an agenda or for some reason that relationship wasn’t true.
Since the start of the semester, God has really been showing me that its not my job to bring the
relationship to Christ, but that He is in control and working behind the scenes to create a trusting
relationship that is comfortable to talk about Christ. I have been able to see this through some clubs and
organizations I am a part of outside of Impact, as well as some old relationships I had in previous years.
Impact has been a huge help in this journey of discovery, teaching and equipping me to
comfortably be able to talk about my faith in normal conversation, as well as being comfortable in
creating lasting, deep relationships built on Christ. The villages we have throughout the week are a great
way for me to get spiritually filled and learn more about Christ, while the Gathering on Sundays contain
great teaching and different opportunities to practice and grow in the things God has shown me this